Story of Alfred Muller
Background Story
I hated reading growing up for multiple reasons. Writing always sought me out however whether it was picture books or short stories my imagination was never quiet. My mom would tell me stories growing up at bedtime while we camped in upstate NY building the foundation of my creative instincts. My dad would play G.I Joes with me and this only further my desire to create. It wasn't until I found the Percy Jackson series did I find my love of reading.
From their my future was set. I devoured every book I could get my hands on. I also realized I didn't read anything I was interested in as much as the mythos around religion and death. Many fantasy books peaked my interest and grabbed my attention, but stories I wanted to tell, I couldn't find. So, with the roiling of my imagination to contend with, I started writing. In the end I came up with the epic novel, the Water Crystal: the Rise of Azrisol Kaimana.